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រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ៖ នារសៀលថ្ងៃទី១១ ខែកុម្ភៈ ឆ្នាំ២០២២ វេលាម៉ោង ២:០០រសៀល ដល់ម៉ោង ៥៖០០ ល្ងាច សមាគមសហគ្
February 11, 2022


“ទម្រង់ផែនការអាជីវកម្ម គឺងាយស្រួលក្នុងការស្វែងរក ប៉ុន្តែការធានាថាព័ត៌មានដែលដាក់បញ្ចូលក្នុងផ
January 28, 2022

Mr. Seang Sopagna, President of YEAC, and Mr. Chum Saborith, Vice-Chair of Trade and Retail Committee, attended a meeting chaired by H.E. Dr. SAY Sam Al, Minister of Environment, to discuss opportunities in reforestation, especially softwood

On 20 January 2022 – At the invitation of the Ministry of Environment, Mr. Seang Sopagna, President of YEAC, and Mr. Chum Saborith, Vice-Chair of Trade and Retail Committee, attended a meeting chaired by H.E. Dr. SAY Sam Al, Minister of Environment, to discuss op
January 20, 2022


January 14, 2022

In 2022, the Young Entrepreneurs Association​ of Cambodia will hold its fourth council meeting in 2022 to discuss future plans for AYEC.

Phnom Penh, 11th November 2022, in conjunction with the Cambodia ASEAN Chairmanship 2022, the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia (YEAC), as the Chair of the ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Council (AYEC) 2022, hosted its 4th Council Meeting of 2022 physically to discuss the future plan for AYEC. As Chairman of AYEC 2022, Mr. Seang Sopa
December 11, 2022

The Biz Study Visit of the Japanese Delegation to Cambodia

On August 30th, 2022, on the occasion of the biz study visit of the Japanese delegation to Cambodia, JETRO arranged a business matching lunch to provide a business opportunity for the Japanese delegation to link with potential Cambodian businessmen from the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and Young Entrepreneurs Association of Ca
August 30, 2022